Control Panel Item
Control Panel Item code execution - bypass application whitelisting.
Generating a simple x64 reverse shell in a .cpl format:
We can see that the .cpl is simply a DLL with DllMain function exported:
A quick look at the dissasembly of the dll suggests that rundll32.exe will be spawned, a new thread will be created in suspended mode, which most likely will get injected with our shellcode and eventually resumed to execute that shellcode:
Invoking the shellcode via control.exe:
Attacking machine receiving the reverse shell:
Note how rundll32 spawns cmd.exe and establishes a connection back to the attacker - these are signs that should raise your suspicion when investingating a host for a compromise:
As always, sysmon logging can help in finding suspicious commandlines being executed in your environment:
Bonus - Create Shortcut With PowerShell
Last updated