Red Team Notes
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Credential Access & Dumping
Weak Service Permissions
Dumping Credentials from Lsass Process Memory with Mimikatz
Last updated
5 years ago
Dumping Credentials from Lsass Process Memory with Mimikatz
Dumping Lsass Without Mimikatz
Dumping Lsass without Mimikatz with MiniDumpWriteDump
Dumping Hashes from SAM via Registry
Dumping SAM via esentutl.exe
Dumping LSA Secrets
Dumping and Cracking mscash - Cached Domain Credentials
Dumping Domain Controller Hashes Locally and Remotely
Dumping Domain Controller Hashes via wmic and Vssadmin Shadow Copy
Network vs Interactive Logons
Reading DPAPI Encrypted Secrets with Mimikatz and C++
Credentials in Registry
Password Filter
Forcing WDigest to Store Credentials in Plaintext
Dumping Delegated Default Kerberos and NTLM Credentials w/o Touching Lsass
Intercepting Logon Credentials via Custom Security Support Provider and Authentication Packages
Pulling Web Application Passwords by Hooking HTML Input Fields
Intercepting Logon Credentials by Hooking msv1_0!SpAcceptCredentials
Credentials Collection via CredUIPromptForCredentials